Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hey babes! I'm excited to share with you my new and affordable fitness gear. Some things I mention are my favorite pair of leggings by the brand 90 Degree By Reflex (highly recommend these in the high waisted style) and my love for motivational quoted muscle tees from Old Navy.

If you follow me on Snapchat: Jaqi_G, you already know that I've been hitting the gym non-stop. One of the main reasons why I've been more focused than ever is because I was recently diagnosed with Anemia and let me tell you, it is not fun. Some symptoms include: exhaustion, confusion and feeling thirsty among other things. One day, after feeling depressed and sorry for myself, I decided to take control of my health situation and just kick it in the butt no matter how tired I felt. Basically I was tired of feeling tired. Now I love working out because of the energy it gives me. I've also enjoyed eating healthier foods, including meal prepping. I want this to be a part of my lifestyle so expect me to blog and do more videos about fitness. Hope you are as excited as I am! Let's get motivated together!! Like I said in the video, working out is not only about losing weight (I'm petite as it is) but it is a way to feel stronger physically and mentally.

So pumped! Stay tuned for more ladies!
Jaqi G.
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